Thursday, March 24, 2011

D-D-D-double quake, for the lulz
D-D-D-double quake, for the skulls
D-D-D-double quake, cause it's fun
D-D-D-double quake, in the Japanese sun

no, you're close minded

Some Christians : "You allow no room to have faith in christianity. You're close minded."

some atheists : "No. You obviously do not know about how many of us atheists work, or you don't even listen to us. We will follow christianity as the truth the moment logical evidence and reasoning show christianity to be true. That's open mindedness. You will not believe anything else no matter how much the evidence shows it to be true. You would not disbelieve christianity even if there were mountains of evidence to show it to be false. That's close mindedness."

Monday, March 14, 2011

sick of it

I'm getting sick of it all, listening to how god caused all of the destruction in Japan only for people then to have to ask god for help to make it better. Is this god's way of working? I mean, does god only do this kind of stuff to keep people on their toes so that he can make his quarterly audit to keep track of who is keeping him at the top of all priorities, as apparently god chooses not to apply the omniscience so famously god it praised for. Why does god always have to fuck up so many lives of others in order to give lessons to another group of people?

Again god can kiss my unwashed asshole! god already knew I was going to say it, I'm still here; god already knows that I've bought my ticket to hell that god so graciously gives out with his undying love. I think the difference between suffering physical pain for an eternity outweighs the mental pain one must eternally suffer making continuous knee bending praises to a major fucking prick.

Friday, March 4, 2011

So, I'm getting drunk again. I'm starting to think that this may becoming a bad thing lately. I'm on about a once a week binge and the binge really isn't even a binge, it's more likely a drinking contest for pussies, where the pussy only drinks about 7 beers and is fucking hammered and may not even remember going to bed. Yeah, you heard that shit.

I have noticed that I have been a bit more motivated lately. I had a final exam yesterday for an 8 weeks course. I was scared as my grade was walking a thin line and the guy doesn't like to curve, but I felt well with my take of the exam. Of course, I've came out of countless exams only to realize that I ended up doing horrible. If I do horrible on this exam my life as a college student will be over.

However, the qm shit is getting pretty muthafukngoddamnedintense and I have some ketchup to do.

Something is happening to me. I will be a good way!!!!!!!!! and some more html fuck all my muthafuknbullshit!!!!!