Wednesday, July 6, 2011

closing in

In a few hours there will only be 5 weeks of classes left in my undergraduate career. Even better, since the class only meets 2 days a week, there will only be 10 days of class left, which I believe the last day of class is only for checking in all lab materials, thus leaving only 9 real class days left!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately our grades are not being posted as each paper and assignment is being graded so I don't have a clue how I am doing. I know my reports have not been very good. The AI appears to be fairly lenient. One day in a light hearted conversation amongst him, I, and a few other students I asked if all you really needed to do was not complain to pass the class and he replied with pretty much. This was most likely said as a joke, but I'm really hoping there is some truth to that.

I'm 3 semesters behind in the course's material, which sucks on major donkey dongs. Yet again, I've been lazy about trying to rehash it, just in hopes that I can get by with a passing grade and graduate. I hate that I do that. The weird thing is that I really enjoy learning the stuff, so why is it so hard to get myself to do something I really enjoy? I can't figure that one out.

I do read a lot about atheism everyday, though have no real working knowledge of any religions or church/state separation or much else. I read the blogs and some news everyday, sometimes for several hours. I do enjoy it, but I really need to start understanding U.S. history and historical U.S. documents and start becoming active in the fight to keep the supernatural bullshit out and putting the rational in.

I'm still scared about what life is going to be like after I graduate, meaning I'm still afraid of myself. I still have barely looked for a job applying my upcoming degree. I do finally have a job right now doing bitch work in retail. It's not bad and I did the exact job for a few years anyways, so I fell right back into it. I'm finally working back to financial freedom.

I also ran my first 5K equivalent last week and it was awesome. I am really starting to see improvement, which means I am getting healthier. YAY!